Adult Programs
Learn more about RDA and the work we do in the Rosedale community.

The first Thursday of every month we host Coffee and conversations at 10 a.m. This is a chance to meet neighbors, share resources, and stay up to date about what is happening in Rosedale! It’s also a great way to learn more about RDA and the work we do in the Rosedale community. Drop by and join us!

We aim to encourage adults to build physical activity into their daily lives through community-led fun opportunities! This fall RDA offered an adult pickup kickball league on Fridays at Rosedale Park, and this past spring held yoga in the park on Saturday mornings. The University of Kansas Medical Center’s Walk with a Doc program is offered every month at a different location throughout the metro area.

Rosedale Leadership Council is RDA’s monthly meeting where neighbors and community leaders can connect, share, and learn about Rosedale’s latest matters. Featuring a guest speaker every month, this meeting is often when important issues come up and community problem solving happens. Happening at 6:30 p.m. on the third Wednesday in our community space at 1401 Southwest Blvd., all are welcome.