Neighborhoods / Groups
Neighborhoods that create a strong community identity
Rosedale is made up of connected neighborhoods that create a strong community identity, celebrate diversity, and support one another. Neighborhood groups or associations offer organization and leadership to neighborhoods, and often help residents feel more involved and informed. RDA offers support to both neighborhoods and neighborhood groups whenever possible, by attending and speaking at meetings, sharing resources, and assisting with problem solving and long-term tactical planning.
Rosedale neighborhood map
While some of our neighborhoods have groups that meet regularly with many participants, a handful are inactive and in need of revival. Neighborhoods that have established groups are in color, and inactive neighborhood groups are in grey. Click on each neighborhood in the map to learn more!
If you are interested in getting a neighborhood group together for your area of Rosedale, please also reach out to RDA — we are happy to provide guidance and support!
Neighborhood resources
Community Capital Fund
Community Capital Fund serves the Kansas City metro area by providing funds and education that aligns with and strengthens the financial, human, and social capital of under-resourced neighborhoods. Every year, they offer the Neighborhoods Rising Fund, a grant that provides funding for community projects and neighborhood revitalization initiatives, and the free Community Development Workshop that showcases grassroots community projects and invites collaboration and idea-sharing among different neighborhoods throughout Kansas City.
Livable Neighborhoods
Livable neighborhoods is the main resource for neighborhoods in Wyandotte County. Created by the United Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, KS, they provide regular trainings, informational meetings, and support services to any neighborhood in Wyandotte County. They are a part of the Neighborhood Resource Center of Wyandotte County, which provides easy access to all UG neighborhood services.