This morning I read a book called Unstoppable You to the scholars of the Rainbow Summer Program. The book is about a boy in perpetual motion, who is fueled by friendship and play and food. He takes breaks sometimes but is “turbo-charged” and off and running again as soon as he is rested. Our scholars shared with me the things that turbo-charge them including the slides at Whitmore Playground, their favorite snacks, and especially creating and building things. The list was long!
Even after the tumultuous last two years, Rosedalians are unstoppable. From kids to seniors, we are turbo-charged and ready to work on the issues facing our community. Can you help support RDA’s programs and services with a monthly donation? Your gifts support:
Supplies like trash bags and paint for neighborhood cleanups (not to mention dumpster rental!)
Snacks, water and space to play for youth sports
Home repairs for Rosedale seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities
Rosedale community events like Healthy Halloween or the Luminary Walk
Scholars working on their reading skills through Rainbow Summer Program
Unstoppable Rosedalians gathering to work on the big and small issues facing our neighborhoods
Monthly donors keep all this and more going steadily while the pandemic continues and conditions change quickly. Help RDA tackle the big challenges Rosedale is facing. Visit to set up a recurring donation in any amount, scan the QR code or send your gift by mail.